Thursday, June 5, 2014

Happiness is a Bird

I have been putting out water bowl for birds for past few months. Some birds have become a regular at that spot now. So the other day, I emptied the pot to clean and started watering the plants in my garden. Then only, a couple of peafowls appeared and checked the empty pot. I felt so sorry for leaving the pot empty. And amazingly, when I tried filling the pot with the pipe, the birds didn't fly away - they just waited very close. That gave me some courage to put out some rice and bird-feed as well. The peafowls were not perturbed by my presence and rather, watched me curiously. As soon as I put the rice out, they came close and started eating. I clicked this picture from my kitchen window and kept watching them for over 15 minutes or so. That was a sheer blissful morning... after all, happiness is a bird!

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