Saturday, March 3, 2012

MP ajab hai - 1

"MP ajab hai, sabse ghazab hai" 
Thus goes the slogan of MP tourism.
I've been in MP for a year and a half thus far. And I think I'd agree to this slogan.
Haven't traveled much in MP thus far but as always, have grand plans :D
So whatever little I've seen, here is a snippet of the Ajab-Ghazab MP :)
Starting with a view from the IIM Indore campus and ending on a view of the campus!!

The sun rises on the fields across the campus

And the sun sets even farther than that - 
A view from the IIMI sunset point!

And in between the sunrise and the sunset,
it is this view through a hole in the wall

 or this view from the campus roof - 
the clouds and and winds and
the table-top hill of Ralamandal Wildlife Sanctuary.

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