Wednesday, August 6, 2014

रे रे चातक सावधान

This is a Jacobin Cuckoo or a Pied Cuckoo. She is said to be a harbinger of monsoon. And the much awaited delayed rains began the day I saw her. 

On July 14, 2014, as I was driving to my office, she flew above my car across the road. I couldn't see for sure what was that. Therefore, when I reached the parking, I proceeded the woods behind New MDC building. After almost 15 futile minutes, I was about to return when I decided to check that bird again which seemed too familiar to pay attention. And there she was - my first sighting of a चातक - the subject of so much of Sanskrit and Hindi poetry. 

It is said that this bird waits patiently for rains to arrive and to quench its thirst. She doesn't drink from any other source but the drops of the first rains. And if it doesn't rain, well... that is why there is poetry!

रे रे चातक सावधान मनसा मित्र क्षणं श्रूयताम्
अम्बोदा बहवो वसन्ति गगने सर्वेऽपि नैतादृशाः
केचिद् वृष्टिभिरार्द्रयन्ति  धरणीं गर्जन्ति केचिद् वृथा
यं यं पश्यसि तस्य तस्य पुरतो मा ब्रुहि दीनं वचः

भर्तृहरि / नीतिशतक / ४७
ओ चातक!
घड़ी भर को
ज़रा कान देकर सुनो मेरी बात
बहुत से बादल हैं आकाश में
पर एक से नहीं हैं
सारे बादल
कुछ हैं बरसते
जो भिगो डालते हैं सारी पृथ्वी को
और कुछ हैं जो
सिर्फ़ गरजते ही रहते हैं लगातार
ओ मित्र
मत मांगो हर एक से दया की भीख!

1 comment:

prasAdu said...

यं यं पश्यसि तस्य तस्य पुरतो मा ब्रुहि दीनं वचः - Make it ब्रूहि